Stills is a part of FM, a global leader in curated content licensing with a roster of in-demand musicians, filmmakers, photographers and an established clientele in the millions.
Our approach isn’t Royalty-Free. It’s Rights Managed, which means we protect your work and maintain its value while you keep ownership. Different uses have different values, and our model reflects that.
For limited uses, our standard onsite license can serve a variety of needs. “Non-standard” opportunities are taken off-site, where fees scale according to scope and client need.
FM’s market of nearly 2M creatives—from sought-after freelancers to top agencies and brands—allows us to showcase your work for highly influential figures in design, film, publishing, advertising, and more.
As the unrivaled authority in rights-managed photo licensing, we utilize every resource to increase your revenue and exposure—marketing, advertising, featured space across our family of creative platforms, and more.
Plus, we provide direct access to real people who can guide you toward greater licensing opportunities and offer valuable insight into how your photos are performing.
Access to our 2MM users
Paid out to artists
Secured licenses
Stills is a part of FM, a family of brands
dedicated to empowering the creative.
©2025 FM LLC.
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right images?
Our team is standing by for all your questions and needs
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FM is a family of brands dedicated to empowering the creative.
Footage licensing for productions
Music licensing for filmmakers
Professional photography licensing